Highlights from the 17th EACES conference 2022: Meet the Editors

The Meet the Editors session took place on Saturday, September 17th from 11:00 to 12:15 and was chaired by Hartmut Lehmann.

Olga Popova presented the journal Comparative Southeast European Studies, an open access journal of the Leibniz Institute of East and Southeast European Studies.

Comparative Southeast European Studies presentation

This was followed by the presentation of Economic Systems, one of the two leading journals of comparative economics in the world, edited by the Leibniz Institute of East and Southeast European Studies in cooperation with EACES and published by Elsevier. Hartmut Lehmann gave the presentation, which had been prepared by Richard Frensch, the managing editor of the journal.

Economic Systems presentation

In honor of Domenico Mario Nuti, who passed away on December 22nd 2020, Saul Estrin and Milica Uvalic are guest editors of the collected works of Domenico Mario Nuti. The works will appear in two volumes in the Studies in Economic Transition Series, published by Palgrave Macmillan. The first volume will appear in November 2022, the second volume in March 2023. Hartmut Lehmann presented and commented on the content of these collected works.

DM Nuti’s collected works – presentation