The executive board of the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies is deeply shocked by the unprovoked attack of Russian military forces on Ukraine, an independent and democratic country in Europe. As a European Association we are very perturbed by the fact that Russia has begun a large-scale war in the middle of Europe and we demand an immediate withdrawal of all Russian forces from Ukraine. Our thoughts are foremost with the Ukrainian people, with the children, women and men whose lives are threatened by the aggression of Putin’s regime. Our association has many members from Ukraine and Russia who have collaborated for more than thirty years in close and peaceful fashion. It is this spirit of collaboration that should prevail and that hopefully will prevail, also thanks to the courageous actions of Russian people and scientists who are demonstrating for peace even though they are threatened by and experiencing brutal reprisals by the regime.
Hartmut Lehmann, President
Francesco Pastore, Vice-President
Jürgen Jerger, Treasurer